Thursday, January 1, 2009

Live Sleep Training Blogging #11

Catching up here: 

KG took over at 5:30 am. Apparently the baby was fine, going down for his nap fairly easily at around 7:00. He woke up a half hour later and I took over and played with him until 8:30. I was an exhausted wreck but Henry seemed fine, albeit a little needy. KG then spelled me and I crashed hard into an absolute black hole of sleep. I had one dream only and the only thing I remember about it is that, honest to God, my name was Captain Diaper.

I just woke up to find KG putting him down again. This time he cried for almost a half hour before falling asleep. It's a strangled, tortured sound now, very, very sad. I think his throat must be sore, poor guy. I can't imagine it wouldn't be. Still, I don't doubt that this is the best thing for him as well as us.

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