Friday, August 8, 2008

Rough Night

Wow.  Henry fussed virtually all last night from about 10:00 p.m. to 4:30 a.m.  It was easily the toughest he's been so far.  KG took the early shift, I the later one.  Virtually the whole time he was squirming or crying, with a downright screaming jag or three thrown in for good measure. I could sometimes soothe him a little, but only so much.  I think he's got indigestion, poor guy, but it could be anything. We also put a different kind of diaper on him. Anyway, nothing seemed to calm him, none of the old standbys.

When he finally gave in to sleep at 4:30 - out of sheer exhaustion, I suppose - I was too tired and strung out to sleep.  I'm going to go try again now.

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