Thursday, July 24, 2008

Baby Brain

Okay, so it's been almost a week since my last real entry.  With that much time elapsed, you'd think I have all kinds of things to say - cute HG anecdotes, tricks I've learned, wise this-and that - but truth be told it's hard for me to remember much at all.  What we're doing is hard and when the day is done, looking back usually reveals nothing more than the fog from which we just emerged (The same can be said for looking forward.).  

There are, of course, little things here and there that I'll hold onto.  In the interest of maintaining my dignity, I'll share only one: Apparently, HG likes The Ink Spots, a singing group formed in the early 30's (they're the ones who sing "I Don't Want To Set The World On Fire").  They never fail to calm him down when he's upset.  Being a great lover of music myself, it brings me great joy to see this.

However in the end, the overwhelming reality of these first few days has been that of treading water, of simply trying to survive one day into the next.  It's actually not as bad as it sounds. It's not bad at all, really.  There's a lot to cherish and I love HG to no end.  It's just that everything happens so fast... and is so seemingly important... and shows up unexpectedly... and apparently lasts forever.  There is virtually no time to reflect.  When it's over and done and you finally have time to sit with yourself, all you can do is sit and watch the dust settle.


Anonymous said...

Hey- hang in there! It sounds like you guys are doing great already. If you ever do just get really frustrated and tired...think of this... while you are changing diapers and trying to calm lil' H, remind yourself that it is also a non stop experience for him.

perspective- he is actually going to learn the concept of language/ communication-physical, and verbal. He will be learning how to procees thoughts, learn the concepts of motion, gravity, density, spacial relationships...he has his work cut out for him. So when he is crying and it seems like he just won't give you a break- think about how much he is REALLY doing when you think he's just eating, sleeping and pooping! HA! The three of you are already heros!

Anonymous said...

"I Don't Want To Set The World on Fire"!?!? I love that song. Tears for Fears, right?

Tiago Borges said...

your the first?