Well, not quite. But things are changing...

He's smiling now, real smiling, the kind of smiling that's obviously smiling as opposed to poop grimacing. Oh my God, its boffo. Sadly, it's been difficult so far to get a good photo of it (he's usually moving too much) so my apologies for the blurry picture. Anyway, as you can imagine, when it comes to smiles, KG and I are absolute junkies. As soon as he doles out even a small one, we immediately turn into wild-eyed, smile-seeking idiots.
He's getting big, too, though I've only recently begun to notice. Today as I found myself showing off pictures of him, including some we took during the first few weeks, it was suddenly so obvious. I looked at the newborn shots and thought "HOLY COW, he was small!" Last night I put him down in what we call his little "Moses basket" and I realized he's going to outgrow it pretty soon. Quite a shocker.
His sound-making abilities have also begun to expand - wildly exciting, I know! For those of you who I'M CERTAIN are interested in the blow by blow details of such things, he has recently moved from a primarily grunt-only form of communication to one that includes several interesting variations of coo and gurgle.
He's more and more interactive every day. He looks around at everything and takes in what he sees. We have a little mat they call a "baby gym," with toys hanging from above for him to punch at. He's recently begun to use it in earnest. I lay him down on it, jiggle one of the toys and say, "Can you hit it?" and he actually does, wiggling his legs and smiling at his success.
About to punch a bug
I love him. I love him I love him I love him.
There, I said it.